I hope you all enjoyed some time off and are looking forward to 2019! We were completely spoiled by le Père Noël who left us lots of new drawing materials (which we had asked for), as well as lots of new toys for our classroom. We have enjoyed playing with them already!
It was a shockingly quiet week with many students still away, but we tried to take advantage of our class size by doing some activities that are easier with a small group. For instance, we played a version of Twister, using our learning carpet, where we had to touch various letters, numbers, pictures and colours all at the same time! We also learned some skipping games with Mme Diamond, and learned to make some play dough roses (later used in a wedding ceremony). We are looking forward to having all our friends back soon!
We also reviewed an oral story we had heard (Loupscaroux), acted it out, and then started draw it, each student working on just one part of the story. This will be a really cool retell when complete!
Above, the loups are falling asleep as the petites filles sing to them.
We will begin our activity bag routine again on Monday. The activities are new, but the routine is the same. Bags are returned the following Monday whether or not you tried the activity (but I hope you do!). I showed the kids the new science experiment that I am testing today, and I think they are really excited to do it themselves.
A couple bags include little books to read, but whereas last term, you read the books to your student, this time, I hope the students will begin reading to YOU! This week we have been discussing some things we can do to help ourselves begin reading. The books I'm sending will be perfect for practising these strategies:
1. Look at the pictures. Do you know any of the things you see in French?
2. Look at the first letter of the word, what sound does it make? Maybe that will help you think of the word.
3. Before reading, look at each page. What do you notice? Do any words repeat?
Most books I send will have a word pattern. After you read the first page, I think you will be surprised that your student can read much of the rest of the book using this strategy.
We have practised all of these strategies in our reading group meetings this week, so I know your students will be prepared to show off their skills.
I hope you enjoy the new activities!
Here are some winter clothes words to review:
Un Manteau
Le Pantalon de neige
Les Mitaines
Un Chapeau
Les Bottes