Wednesday, 17 October 2018

First trip!

Dear parents,
Our first outing to the library and the park was a success! Thanks to the parents who helped us practice our excellent sidewalk partner walking. We are ready for a bigger trip! At the library, we listened to several stories, including a short puppet show of "I'm a frog" by Mo Willems. All students received a post card, which you can take to any branch of the Toronto Public Library to receive a reading list and some stickers.

This week, our special activity has been to play some math games. To practice our counting and number symbols, we played a dominoes matching game that will be in an activity bag next term, as well as doing some number puzzles.

Last week, I told an oral story (no pictures!) in French. The kids have helped me retell it a couple times now. Yesterday, some kids painted pictures of parts of the story, in particular when the boy in the cacahuète gets eaten by all the animals. Ask your student to tell you the whole story!

I think we took a nice class picture this morning. Thanks for being on time! A reminder that any October Scholastic orders are due tomorrow and that the field trip forms are due Friday (I'm just missing 2). As always, green activity bags should be returned Monday.

Let's practice these colour words - we're getting to know our colours pretty well:

Stay warm!