Friday, 26 October 2018

Amazing Trip!!

Dear families,
We had an amazing day at Downey's Farm today! There is SO much to do there, we didn't even have time to try everything! Each student got to bring home a pumpkin, as well as an activity booklet containing a map of the farm. Hugo and I solved the mazes and the "spot the difference" game on the way home, and he was able to point out, in order, all the things we did at the farm. Maybe your student can show you all the different activities we did on the map!

If I'm not forgetting anything, we started out by stuffing a HUGE scarecrow, which we got to bring back to school (what do I do with this thing??). We learned that scarecrows are important in the spring because they help protect the newly planted crops which are being harvested right now.

Next we learned about different kinds of pumpkins, squash and gourds. We learned the names of at least 3 different kinds of pumpkins and 2 squash (ask your student if they remember!), and even the special name of the stem!

After snack we got to jump in the hay (amazing) and then we went on a wagon ride through the fairy tale forest and saw where the crops grow.

Hehe! Mlle Sicilia!

After lunch, we went into the "Boo Barn" and then visited the animals. There were goats that we could pet, ducks, chickens and the best cow ever.

At end the day, we got to visit the huge play area where my group bounced, went down a huge slide and explored a pirate ship before it was time to go.

It was a great day with no troubles. Thanks for preparing your kids so well, and to our amazing chaperones. We couldn't have done it without you!

Halloween is around the corner. We know many students get excited for this day. A note was sent out from the office a couple weeks ago outlining some Halloween dos and don'ts. In our classroom, we will not be having any food parties, but certainly we will do some fun thematic activities leading up to and on the day. On Wednesday, please do not send food or edible treats to share. If ever you feel compelled to send something for a special occasion, the dollar store is your best friend. Erasers, pencils, stickers or loot bag items are great alternatives and are super cheap. However, there is no need to send anything, the students will all receive a little something from me.

Students may absolutely come in costume to school if they wish. In fact, we are expecting so many students to do so, that we have planned to parade our classes around the school to show them off! We just ask that the costumes be culturally sensitive and school-appropriate. This means, no weapons, props or masks (face paint is fine), and students need to be able to move around and sit in their costumes so that they can participate in their activities. We appreciate your help in ensuring that props stay home.

In the days following Halloween... oh the candy! I know, because I've seen your kids' amazing lunches, that I don't need to tell you this, but can we keep the treats to just 1-2/day during school time?? I encourage the kids to eat something healthy at morning snack and save their dessert for after lunch. If you could reinforce this, that would be great!

We know our vowels! Each morning when we read the morning message, we look for the letters we know and circle them. The kids can help me read those sounds, at least, but many students are already reading some frequently used words with me (e.g., bonjour). I've explained the French sounds that A, E and I make. Here are the new ones:
O - Pretty much the same as English. It can sound like its name ("fantôme") or sound more like "ah", (as in "octobre"). It never makes the oo sound (as in the English "to") on its own. It would need to be combined with U, as in "bonjour". We may not get into combining vowel sounds in kindergarten, but it's handy to know.
U - Its name and sound are quite tight. I've been having the kids scrunch up their lips like a fish to get the right sound. Another trick is to shape your lips as if to say "oh", but then try to say "ee". The resulting sound is what we're going for. The best way to learn this sound, which does not exist in English, would be to ask your student to teach it to you. They all know it well since it occurs right at the beginning of our poem about "La lune...". U alone, also does not make the oo sound, as above, it would need to follow O to do that.

I sent home our November calendars this week. You'll notice that I do not yet have the date for our November trip to the library, but I do think we will be going. You'll also see that I've listed everyone's name on one of the Fridays. This is your show & tell day. On this day, students are invited to bring one item from home to share with us. It could also be a performance, or sharing a special family member. Last year, we had several parents visit us to tell us about their jobs, and do a short activity with the class. If this is what your student would like to share, please contact me to ensure that we will have enough time! Students will be expected to keep their special item in their school bag when it is not time to share it.

When it is not our show & tell day, we need to remember Dewson's home toys stay home rule. Several students have been regularly bringing little stuffed toys, trading cards, or figurines to school. They are quite distracting, and when they have been momentarily misplaced, it has been full panic mode. Save your special items for this or a future show & tell day. Thanks so much for your help with this!

Have a great weekend and don't forget your activity bags!!

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Food glorious food!!

Hi parents,
I forgot to put this in yesterday's post. I've suggested to the kids that they ask you to send more food for school. We seem to have many growing children who are hungry before we even get inside in the morning, and who then want to eat their entire lunch at morning snack! We do have a substantial school snack as well that we finish every day. Please check in with your child and ask if they are one of the kids that is extra hungry, especially in the mornings. Thanks!!

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Farm Time!

Dear parents,
This Friday is our big trip to Downey's Farm. It promises to be a very exciting day! Here are a few important reminders:
1. Dress for success! This means layers and boots or running shoes. The website suggests that the farm can feel cooler and we will be outside all day.
2. Bring a lunch, snacks and FULL water bottle. The farm is on a well system, so there is no refilling from a tap or water fountains. Please make sure your student has what he/she needs to stay hydrated for the day.
3. Please be on time, or early for school. We want to leave promptly after 9:00 attendance.
4. Please remind your child of what is expected of them on the trip. We will be in an open area, potentially with other groups sharing the space. It is crucial that they pay close attention to instructions from their chaperones, teachers and farm guides.

Finally, it is a long bus trip. If you are concerned at all about motion sickness, please contact me and let me know what we can do to be prepared and comfortable. Thanks!

Cool things have been happening at school, let me share some of them with you...

Last week, our guided activity was number matching using dominoes. Here are some students that enjoyed that activity so much that they got them out on their own time, and started playing the same game! Warms my heart!

In our groups, we also put together parts of this number puzzle, but no group finished it. This student stuck with it and got it done, with Mme Diamond's help!

This week, we are working on patterning in our guided groups. Here are some students transferring their colour patterns from beads to paper.

If you didn't catch on from all the paintings and assorted creations coming home, our kids are SUPER into art and crafting right now. Here is Mlle Sofia working with a group of artists.

Every day, we try to play a game together, outside, as a class. This helps us develop good sportsmanship, and encourages us to play with classmates that we may not choose to play with regularly. We have played a ball game called "Soldat", duck-duck-goose, tag, octopus tag, hide & seek tag, soccer, simon says, stop-and-go with vehicles, musical stumps and probably lots of other games I'm forgetting. On the day shown below, we took turns crawling through this maze of tunnels. It's not a regular toy, so it was pretty special!

Here we are shaking hands and saying "good game" after our soccer game (by the end, a lot of other students had joined in too). 

Last week, I told my first oral story (did I already tell you this?). It was about a little boy who hides in a peanut (yes, I think I did tell you this). Anyway, here are the paintings some kids did of the story. I tried to place them in story order. Check it out on our bulletin board next time you visit!

Last Friday morning Dewson had a special visit from a magician named Baldini. He was SO good. He says magic is science, and he taught us how to do a few tricks, but the ones he didn't explain, I'm convinced, are real magic. There's really no other explanation... Sofia got pulled up on stage for a trick, and I think she believes in magic now too.

Finally, Dewson is holding its annual "WE scare hunger" food drive from now until the end of next week. We have discussed foods that are most needed, and foods that are perishable and cannot be donated. Some students have already proudly dropped off their tins to the big boxes in the front hall. If you are able to donate something, it would be gratefully received.

Let's practice some food words. We eat these items for snack regularly, so we are learning their French names...
Une pomme
Une orange
Une tomate
Le lait
Le fromage

Stay tuned for a note about our Halloween plans!

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

First trip!

Dear parents,
Our first outing to the library and the park was a success! Thanks to the parents who helped us practice our excellent sidewalk partner walking. We are ready for a bigger trip! At the library, we listened to several stories, including a short puppet show of "I'm a frog" by Mo Willems. All students received a post card, which you can take to any branch of the Toronto Public Library to receive a reading list and some stickers.

This week, our special activity has been to play some math games. To practice our counting and number symbols, we played a dominoes matching game that will be in an activity bag next term, as well as doing some number puzzles.

Last week, I told an oral story (no pictures!) in French. The kids have helped me retell it a couple times now. Yesterday, some kids painted pictures of parts of the story, in particular when the boy in the cacahuète gets eaten by all the animals. Ask your student to tell you the whole story!

I think we took a nice class picture this morning. Thanks for being on time! A reminder that any October Scholastic orders are due tomorrow and that the field trip forms are due Friday (I'm just missing 2). As always, green activity bags should be returned Monday.

Let's practice these colour words - we're getting to know our colours pretty well:

Stay warm!