Monday, 11 June 2018

Run, Jump & Throw

Hi parents,
Run, Jump & Throw was a success! Junior students led us through 4 activities: hula hoop jump, short distance sprint, bean bag toss and long distance run. We all did a a great job participating. Pictures are below!

Later, I was very impressed with a big group of students who played circle games with me, and continued playing after I left the game. We played "The Farmer in the Dell" and "Duck, Duck, Goose".

Below is a show about the tooth fairy that I was invited to last week during centre time. Notice, the performers even set up chairs for the audience and numbered them from 1-10.

This week we have several presentations to go to, our kindergarten art project and of course Father's day to get ready for. We will be busy! Friday is also our final opportunity to exchange books this year. Overdue book lists are coming home tomorrow. It is a very small slip of paper. Please do your best to locate any school books and return them this week and next. Merci!

If you are able to help us manage the fish painting activity, we hope to begin Wednesday afternoon (12:45-1:45) unless it rains. We will resume Thursday at the same time, finish up at the same time Friday if needed, and then we could really use some volunteers to spray glaze the fish and wire them to the fence. We have all the material, but could use hands. Please let me know if you can help (or just show up any of those days at 12:45 in our yard). Thank you!!

Hula Hoop Jump

60m Sprint

Bean Bag Toss