Thursday, 29 March 2018

Joyeuses Pâques!

Hello again,
We have continued our pre-Easter activities with a potentially very cool eggsperiment (see what I did there??). We are attempting to grow crystals inside plastic egg shells using alum, a pickling spice that apparently does this. It's the first time for all of us, so it's a true experiment and we all have our fingers crossed that something happens!
We have prepared the experiment by coating our shells in glue and alum and once dry, placing them in a bath of water, food colouring and more alum. Now, we wait. We are documenting each stage of the experiment by drawing what our egg looks like each day until next Tuesday, when we will either have crystals to bring home, or we will learn what not to do!

This morning, we had some fun doing a little Easter egg hunt. Everyone got to find an egg (containing a little bunny friend) and a spring notepad. We've also continued playing our Easter egg letter and math games. In one game, we match the majuscule with the minuscule; in another, we match the number with its picture; and in the last game we match some simple addition questions with the solution.

Despite the drizzle, this afternoon we walked over to the library as planned. Big thanks to our parents for joining us on this wet day before a long weekend! We got to see "The Gunniwolf", which is the English version of "Loupscaroux". When we returned, we reviewed and acted out this story in French. You can find some versions of this story on YouTube.

The April calendar came home a couple days ago, and I included some tips about some days when we may want to dress for the occasion.

Mots de la Semaine
un oeuf
le lapin
une poule
du chocolat
Joyeuses Pâques!