Thursday, 15 February 2018

Wardrobe Planning

Hello moms & dads...
Despite our VERY (and I mean VERY) best efforts to keep the kids out of the puddles today, many got wet and wanted or needed to change their clothes. Some of us didn't have the items we needed, and borrowed from very kind friends. If your child came home wearing something that was not their own, please ensure that it is returned to school on Tuesday and we will try to get things returned to their rightful owners. It also might be time to replenish the extra clothes supply - especially if things have come home needing washing. I expect there will be many more wet days like this...

I also forgot to mention, though you may have heard from your gymnast, that for the next week, our gym teachers will be running their annual gymnastics unit. The gym will be transformed to include climbing bars and ropes, a balance beam, those bouncy things you jump off and much more. It's a really exciting unit and I'm always jealous that I don't get to participate.
In order to participate fully in all the gymnastics activities, students will need to have some exposed skin to properly and safely grip the equipment. This means shorts and a t-shirt, and we will remove our socks. Long hair should also be tied back. Obviously, we still need kids to be prepared for winter weather, and we also don't want to use half their gym time changing. Therefore, please send students in layers so that they can just remove their long pants and sweater when they arrive at gym. Our gymnastics days will be: Feb. 20, 22, 23. Heads up, we have a gym period on our very next day of school (Tuesday!!). Thanks for your help!

Finally, in some interviews tonight, I've asked if parents are using this blog to keep up with all our classroom events and activities. I know it's not easy to remember to check it all the time. If you are reading this from your phone, you will not see this option. But, if you access the blog from a computer, you will see a field in the top-right where you can enter your email address. After a quick confirmation email, the blog will start emailing you automatically every time I post something new. It's a great feature that I hope you can take advantage of, if you don't already.

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Family Day!!