Dear families,
Today I sent home a pink sheet with the schedule for next Wednesday's Arts Evening. ...Or at least, what I thought was our schedule. I have just received, as have you, an updated schedule with many changes. Please disregard the pink note entirely and refer to the following schedule, which I will send home in hard-copy on Monday. Sorry for the confusion!
You'll notice that our start time has been delayed. We have been asked not to arrive early as other classes are performing before us and we want them to have the space that they need for their families and friends.
May 17th Concert Info - Updated!
Today I sent home a pink sheet with the schedule for next Wednesday's Arts Evening. ...Or at least, what I thought was our schedule. I have just received, as have you, an updated schedule with many changes. Please disregard the pink note entirely and refer to the following schedule, which I will send home in hard-copy on Monday. Sorry for the confusion!
You'll notice that our start time has been delayed. We have been asked not to arrive early as other classes are performing before us and we want them to have the space that they need for their families and friends.
May 17th Concert Info - Updated!
– Arrive at school.
Kids should meet me in the gym. There will be no access to our classroom so please
hang on to coats or leave them at our meeting place in the gym. Please enter
the gym quietly, there may be another performance going on!
– Performance
of our ArtsFest song in the gym.
– Stay in the gym
for grade ½ choir, led by Mr. Tredille & Mr. Greene.
– Go directly to the library for our dance performance, led by
Mme Morgenstern.
– 7:30 – Please tour the first floor to take in the visual arts displays
presented by grade 1 and 2 classes. Our class is displaying our printmaking
work and the 3-D sculptures* that we built for geometry.
*Please take your sculpture home with you!
ask that students please wear black on the bottom and white on top.
Looking forward to seeing you next
Wednesday evening,