Wednesday 23 April 2014

Words of this Week

Here are the words (short sentences) that came home yesterday:

J’ai froid.       (NOT  Je suis froid.)
J’ai mal au dos.
J’ai raison.
J’ai mal aux pieds.
J’ai tort.
Je n’ai pas mal aux pieds!
J’ai faim.
J’ai fini.
J’ai soif.
J’ai un chat.

You might be interested in attending tomorrow evening's Spring Concert here at Dewson. The primary classes that did not perform in our Winter Concert (including the other French grade 1 classes) have been working hard in choir and in their classes to put on a great show. We will attend their dress rehearsal this afternoon, but I'm sure they would love to see your smiling faces at their performance tomorrow evening. Thursday, April 24th, 7pm.