This morning we, and many other classes, had a super-exciting visit from Officer Houston (a relative of ours). Officer Houston is a Mounted Police Officer. He came with his horse, Moose, and gave a captivating talk on what his job entails. We also got to see Moose trot, and everyone got a chance to pet him. Ask about this tonight! (What can a Police Officer do on horseback, that an Officer driving a car cannot do?)
This afternoon, we had the pleasure of going to Mme Morgenstern's class to watch 2 plays that her students prepared (both based on books, like our own). The plays were "The tortoise and the hare" and "Hansel and Gretel" (but in French, of course). Ask about what happened in those stories. Children who weren't already familiar with the stories were a bit confused - it would be a great night to re-read them!
We also had our first story presentations today. All of today's authors did a fantastic job sharing their stories. I'm looking forward to more!
Today I passed out the form for our final field trip of the year, which will take place Friday June 21st. Please return the form, with payment, no later than this FRIDAY and indicate if you would like to be a supervisor!
Tomorrow I will pass out the forms for the final pizza day of the year, which will be Thursday June 20th. This form is due back even sooner, by THIS Thursday. Please note that there will be no pizza to purchase on the day, so please return your form on time.
It's not too late to order French books for the summer. If you forgot to return your Scholastic form last week, please return it ASAP so that your books arrive on time.
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