Monday, 6 May 2013

Les Mots de la Semaine

Happy Monday!

This week, we are reviewing a few “j’ai” and “tu as” expressions, and comparing them to “il/elle a” expressions. Il a is the verb avoir in the 3rd person singular (“he has”). Children sometimes find it hard to understand that we use this structure whenever we’re talking about someone – not just when we say “il” or “elle”. This is why I have included several different options for how to use “a”. You can substitute with all of your family’s names during your practise!

The 10 reading words for the week beginning May 6th are:
J’ai fini.
Je n’ai pas fini.
Tu as six ans.
Tu n’as pas six ans.
Il a mal à la tête.
La fille a un chapeau bleu.
Elle a les cheveux longs.
Le garçon a une bicyclette.
Tamara a un chat.
On a mangé le goûter.

We played a little game where I would say a sentence either to someone (e.g., "Tu as les cheveux bruns.") or about someone (e.g., "Malcolm a les cheveux courts.") and students would decide whether the 'a' had an 's' on it or not. We discovered that usually when we use proper names, we are talking about  someone, so we don't need the 's'.

We will soon finish up with our math focus on adding and subtracting. We could continue practising these skills forever, but we still have a few other units to finish up this year. I will continue to sneak in adding and subtracting questions whenever I can in all areas of our work, and hopefully you can keep reviewing at home as well. Today, using blocks to visualize subtraction questions was very helpful. I also made a colour-by-numbers activity for the kids, but I took out the numbers and replaced them with addition and subtraction questions that needed to be answered before the colour could be discovered. If you have time to make these, they're super fun to do, and it helps us with math at the same time! I googled "colour by numbers" to get started. Also see my list of math practise ideas from a previous post.

Don't forget - your RSVP, permission form, and Scholastic orders are all due Thursday at the latest!