je nage, j’aime, je range, je me lave, je danse,
je plante, je décore, je chasse, je vole, j’ attrape
All words follow the same rule as last week (conjugate with an 'e' ending). I can't believe it's already Easter! I wish you all a lovely long-weekend. We have had a lot of sweet treats in Area 24 lately, so please do NOT send treats this Thursday. The kids will receive a little something from me, and that's enough. Thanks!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Dear Parents of Area 24,
On Thursday, April 11th, Area 24 will have a science workshop with a “Scientist in the School” presenter. The workshop will be a hands-on session focusing on our current Matter & Energy unit. In the past, this workshop has included making a bubble grow using heat, building a class circuit to make light and sound and creating abstract paintings using solar power!
“Scientists in the School” is a wonderful opportunity that we like to take advantage of each year. It’s like a field trip, except without the hassle of travelling. Our scientist will provide lots of cool materials that we don’t have at school, and is an expert in the field.
The cost for the half-day workshop is $5 per student, the remainder being covered by the school. I would appreciate having the money returned by Tuesday April 9th or earlier so that I can pass it on to the office before they have to pay.
I anticipate that we will require 3 or 4 parent volunteers to help with supervision. Please indicate on the return slip whether you are able to volunteer. Thank you in advance!
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Thanks you,
Tamara Mitchell
Please return this portion along with payment by Tuesday April 9th!
Area 24’s “Scientist in the School”
□ $5 is included!
□ Yes I am available and would like to volunteer._______________________________ (name)
□ No I am not able to volunteer.