As you know, report cards are coming home tomorrow, Tuesday February 12th. In the envelope you will find a half sheet of pinkish paper with your interview time on it. Please be sure to open the envelope right away, as some of you have interviews tomorrow right after school!! (Anyone who requested Tuesday as a choice got it, so be prepared!)
If your interview time doesn't work, please write me a note on the slip (include a more convenient time or two) and send it back Wednesday so that we can reschedule. If I don't hear from you, I'll assume that means you're coming.
I will be having a discussion with students about what their report cards mean and some things to remember on report card day. Here is some of what we will discuss:
- Report cards are personal, don't share your marks with anyone. Everybody is good at different things, and it never feels good to compare.
- Only open your envelope once you are with your parent/caregiver. Do not open envelopes alone or on the bus.
- Take learning skills comments seriously. It is hard to make progress in subject areas without strong learning skills.
- Trying your best is the most important thing. In the subject comment boxes, I explain what you've accomplished so far, and what you can try to do next in order to get an even better mark next time. Read these with care and decide what you will try to do better (pick one thing). Parents can also select one thing they'd like to work on more at home. In our interview, we can discuss what each of us is going to do going forward, myself included.
- Please take a moment to write your goals on the bottom of the second page and return it to me with your envelope so that we can reuse it in June. You can bring this to your interview or send it with your child to school.
Thanks for your ongoing support, see you later this week.