Friday, 28 September 2012

Chat & Chew

Dear parents,

This morning it was announced that we are expecting some work to be done on the Dewson Field. In the long run, this will make our field a much nicer place to play, but it will require us to be mindful of our safety and of the new boundaries during the construction period. On Monday morning, there may be a large area fenced off where work will be starting. The children are aware of this, but they asked me to remind you through the blog so that you aren't surprised.

In addition, there is a very important note coming home today in the yellow folder. It explains that beginning Monday, grade 1s will eat lunch in the gym with the big kids. We discussed the lunch room rules before going home today, and I will personally get my students settled at their lunch table on Monday. You can help with this transition by reviewing the lunch expectations that were sent home in the package of school forms, and which the children had to sign. Eating in the gym will allow us to keep our desks and floor a LOT cleaner, and will give the kids a break from being in one place for so long!

Some conversation starters for the weekend:
- What did you imagine today in your journal?
- What was one of the funny things in the book about "Si" (What if)
- What are you working on in art? What is the hardest part of making it so far?
- What is a "renardeau"? What happened in the book about the baby fox?
- What songs did you sing at school this week? Can you teach them to me?
- Can you really count from 15 to 1 in French???

Check back soon for more pictures!
Have a great weekend,

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Reading Buddies


Today was a very exciting day! In the morning, Area 24 participated in the Terry Fox Run around the Dewson field. The weather was perfect for the run, and the children had lots of fun. Ask your child how many laps they did around the field! We counted up all of the money we brought in, and together our class raised $55.23 for cancer research. Thank you!

This afternoon, we began a very exciting partnership with another class. We are teaming up with Mlle Segreto's grade 5 class (my former students!) for reading buddies (les amis de lecture). Every day 3, last period, Mlle Segreto's class will come to Area 24 and help us work on our reading. Each grade 1 student is paired up with one or two grade 5 students.

During reading buddies, the grade 5 students will be teaching grade 1s how to read with a buddy (e.g., how to sit knee to knee, elbow to elbow and hold a book in between) and encouraging them to begin sounding out words. For now, I am asking every pair to read one very simple book with high frequency words that the grade 1s might recognise, and one book that the grade 1 student selects. Often my students ask me to read to them during their independent reading time and, of course, I can't read everyone's book to them at the same time, so this will be really fun for them.

As we learn more sounds, I hope that the older kids will be able to support our class in sounding out more and more words and that by the end of the year, my students will be doing a lot of the reading in simple books. Ask your child who their buddy is and what they read today!

In math news, we have started working more on number sense, beginning with counting, reading numbers, drawing what a number represents, and writing numbers. This is easy stuff to practise at home, in the car, out for a walk... For example, "How many books do we have on this shelf? Can you count them in French?". You can also grab a scrap piece of paper and write a number on it and have your child draw a set of something (e.g., 7 apples) to match the number. Try doing the reverse as well, if you give your child a few grapes as a snack, have them count how many there are and write the number before they eat them! If you notice that your child has written a number backwards, ask them to turn it around right away to avoid forming bad habits.

I noticed a big improvement in backwards counting the last time I mentioned it on the blog! In October we will be challenging ourselves to count backwards all the way from 20! We have already tried starting at 15. Keep up the great work!


Can you help?

Dear parents,

On our first day newsletter slip, a number of you indicated that you would be willing to help in our classroom. I am wondering if I could get a couple volunteers to come in, at your convenience, to help colour code some levelled books to make it easier for the children to identify books that are at their appropriate reading level. It's easy, but time consuming work.

If you have some time in the next week or two, I would be MOST grateful for your help!

Let me know @ (don't forget the '2')


Monday, 24 September 2012

Toonie for Terry

Dear parents,

This Thursday, Dewson will be having our Terry Fox Walk. In order to support this great cause, we invite students to bring in a toonie for Terry. Children can bring a toonie (or whatever you feel able to donate) anytime between now and Thursday. Hopefully Thursday will be nice and sunny, so please remember to send hats and water bottles for the walk!


Thursday, 20 September 2012

Nos Artistes!

Check out this beautiful art board!

For our first art project, we experimented with mixing colours. We first stamped several black circles with cups and paint, being careful to overlap some of them. Next, we used oil pastels to colour each circle in a primary colour. In doing this, we created the secondary colours in the overlapping areas. Finally, we decorated the background by painting the bottom of a cork and stamping water colour circles around our pastel circles. I think this project is super cool, and they all look great!

Because I think that everything looks amazing in a frame, I have decided to choose two artists each month to feature as our "Artistes du Mois". Everyone will eventually get a turn having their art framed and hung in the class. Here are our September artists! Ask your child who they are!

Below is our list of words containing, beginning or ending with the sound 'a' (as in 'cat'). Several were found by the students on posters in our classroom. I encourage you to practise reading them with your child!

Bonne fin de semaine!

Scholastic - Last Call

If would like to purchase books from any of the September catalogues (distributed the first day of school), please send the orders tomorrow (Friday) via the yellow communication folder. October catalogues coming soon!

Today we worked on retelling the beginning, middle and end of a story we read yesterday (The Giving Tree, but in French). Once we knew the French words for beginning, middle and end (le début, le milieu, la fin), children worked in partners to unscramble two short picture stories and put the pieces in the right order. I saw lots of great teamwork, both deciding on roles and talking about the story!

We have also started sounding out words including the 'e' syllable. In French, 'e' sounds more like "uh", as in "put". I'll post some words to practise at home next week. Later tonight I'll post our familiar 'a' words and some cool art pictures!

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

You're invited!

Dear Area 24 families,

Dewson's Welcome Back BBQ is tonight! There will be food available from 5 - 6:30pm, and it's FREE!! This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and students at Dewson.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Thank you for returning all those forms! There are just a few people who haven't returned the contact info sheet. If anything has changed, and you didn't return the form, please do so, or call the office for a new copy. Thanks!

A reminder that our first Scholastic orders (which were given out on the very first day of school) are due this Thursday, September 20. Feel free to start sending them at any time in the yellow folder.

This will be our last week to work on patterns in math, for now. The class is getting very good at completing and extending patterns involving colour, shape and size. Sometimes we have all three variables in one pattern and students have been able to fill in the missing term in the pattern by choosing an object that works with all three pattern rules! For example: big yellow triangle, small red circle, big yellow triangle, small red circle etc.

In French, we've started building a wall of sounds ("Le Mur des Sons") beginning with 'a'. We have found lots of words that start with, end with or contain the French sound 'a', including many of our names (e.g., Tamara!). If your child has any French books at home or on loan from the library, encourage him or her to sound out short words that have 'a' in them! I'll post a picture, in the next week, of our list of 'a' words, and you can practise reading them at home!

Other things to talk about... ask your child what they did in art last week and today! I'll post some pictures once I get them up on the bulletin board! We've also been talking about the different seasons, and we've read books that talk about signs that seasons are changing. As you walk through the neighbourhood, you might want to talk about the changing colours, the change in temperature, and review the characteristics of each season.

Have a great week!

Thursday, 13 September 2012


I want to thank the class for two amazing things they did today! In the morning, we had our regular independent reading time, and today we jumped from 5 to 7 minutes, and it was PERFECT! Great reading behaviour! We're hoping for 10 minutes tomorrow!!!

I was also impressed when we cleaned up our math books and came to the carpet in record time! I know that people were helping each other put books away and push in chairs. Thank you!

In math, we are continuing to practise our backwards counting from 10  to 1 - we're getting really good! Keep practising! We're also working on extending and creating patterns involving colours, sizes, shapes, or a combination of these variables. I'm thrilled with what the kids already know, and how excited they are to show me! You can review patterning at home by starting a pattern (e.g., big spoon, little spoon, big spoon, little spoon) and asking your child to add the next 3 things. You can use just about anything to build a pattern. Lego or blocks are great, but you can get creative. You can even make clapping patterns!

Have fun!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Dress for Success!

Just a heads up that our gym days have changed. We now have gym on days 3, 4 and 5 (rather than 2, 4 & 5). Please help your children "dress for success" by ensuring that they are wearing comfortable clothes on gym days, and have running shoes with them everyday!

Hopefully we'll get our school schedule finalised soon, and I'll provide copies to everyone at our open-house/curriculum night!


Monday, 10 September 2012

Learning Places

Dear parents,

Hope you had a lovely weekend (I can tell some people have been practising their backwards counting)! Thank you for all the forms, please keep sending!

Today our students worked in partners to create repeating patterns using coloured shapes, and then they drew the pattern they had created. Great work!

Today I introduced everyone to their special learning place. This is their spot on the carpet where they should always sit, unless we're making a circle. I have tried to place everyone in a spot where they can do their best listening. Ask them who they sit beside!

Tomorrow, your student will also notice that their desk place has been moved (no places are ever forever, they are always changing as they need to). Self-selecting places can be tricky since it's natural to want to sit with our best friends. I've tried to place people with new friends, and in a place where I can help them to do their best listening when they're at their desks. I appreciate your help in reassuring anyone who may be disappointed that they no longer have all boys or all girls at their group! Tomorrow you can ask who's in their new desk group!

That's it for now!
Have a great week,

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Paperwork is fun!

Congratulations, we made it through our first week!

Today the communication folders are full again, with the many forms that the school requires. Please send them back ASAP, but definitely by next Friday, September 14th.

Just for fun, here are a few things we've practiced saying in French this week. Maybe you can have some fun with this over the weekend! (The great thing about grade one, is that you can probably keep up with your kids' French! Later, this won't be so easy, so take advantage!)

Je m'appelle (Tamara). J'ai cinq/six ans.
= My name is (Tamara). I am five/six years old.

Aujourd'hui c'est lundi/mardi/mercredi/jeudi/vendredi/samedi/dimanche.
= Today is Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday.

C'est l'anniversaire de Ella!
= It's Ella's birthday!

J'ai deux frères. OR  J'ai une soeur.
= I have two brothers. OR  I have one sister. (etc.)

Est-ce que tu peux l'ouvrir?
= Can you open this? (A very useful sentence to know!)

Est-ce que tu peux m'aider?
= Can you help me? (Equally useful.)

Je suis content(e) / heureux(se) / excité(e) / triste / fâché(e).
= I am happy / excited / sad / angry.

Bonne fin de semaine!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

We can count!


Another good day in Area 24! The children are starting to get the hang of some of our routines, such as folding our tablecloths after lunch (very impressed with the initiative today). Thanks to everyone who remembered their communication folder today! Don't worry if it comes home empty (aside from the printing book), I will send them regardless so that we can maintain the routine!

Today, we read (or looked at books) for 2 whole minutes (a minute more than yesterday). We're working on developing good reading behaviours so that we get to be strong readers, like an athlete with his/her sport!

If you haven't had time to read all my previous posts (no worries), please keep scrolling, but I want to leave you with one thing you can work on at home if you're interested.
I've discovered that our class counts forwards incredibly well - better than I had anticipated. I think we have gone past 20 now. Today we tried counting backwards from 10 - this is tricky, even when we're looking at the numbers. You can practice this in all sorts of ways at home, maybe you already count backwards when you want your child to follow an instruction. Maybe you count down to when dinner will be ready. If you're already doing this, try doing it in French! Try having your child count with or for you. If it's difficult, playing cards make great flash cards! Order them from 10 down to 2 or ace, this will help!

Happy Counting!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Day 1: Success!

Hello Grade 1 parents!

We made it through the first day! I expect pick-up will continue to take a bit of time until I get to know who belongs to who. You can help by coming right up to the door and reminding me who you are taking with you! If your child goes to daycare, please talk to them about their meeting spot. I will continue to stay with them until they feel confident going with their buddies at the daycare. If there are any routines that you feel I should know about (lunch/pick-up) please write me a note so that I don't forget!

Unfortunately it rained ALL day, so we had 3 indoor recesses. This means that I wasn't able to take the kids outside to remind them of where the safe play areas are, and where they line up. We will always line up right against the wall by the North doors, where we met this morning. This is also where you can pick-up.

Please make sure you ask for the communication folder tonight! It's yellow, and full of important notes for you! As explained in my Newsletter, this will go home every afternoon, and should come back every morning. The agenda can be kept at home (see other post).

This afternoon we discussed the four rules for Area 24, which are also included in your First Day Newsletter. These are: I listen, I participate (I try), I am respectful, I say thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to talk about what these look like at home - we had lots of examples of good behaviour today. Plenty of students helped clean up after recess (even when it wasn't their activity), many helped open packages for others at lunch, many shared markers (we talked about how this is part of the "being nice" rule), and some started taking responsibility for their class job. In particular, I was impressed with how quietly we walked through the halls on the way to music this morning. We have to make sure we are very quiet EVERY time we walk through the school, as rooms on the first floor do not have doors!

Today we also did some counting (how many girls/boys are in our class? how many markers are in your box? how many bins of materials are there?), we decorated hall tags with our name and a picture, we read a story, sang some songs, and lots more. Each student selected their own desk. We will change places often, but for now I'm happy so long as everyone is able to listen from the spot they selected. Everyone also received a box with same basic writing and art supplies. This will stay in their desk, and anything they bring from home can live in there too.

I promise there won't always be so much reading in one night, but please take the time to read my other posts with beginning of the year information! I look forward to another great day tomorrow!

Have a great night,

School Agendas

Hi parents,

On the first day of school your child received a shiny new school agenda. While I think that an agenda is a fantastic tool for slightly older students, I decided to go with our yellow communication folders for this year, as there simply isn't time at the end of the day for me to hand-write my messages in 24 agendas!

The agenda belongs to your child, they may keep it, and you can help them use it at home if you wish. There is also valuable information in the front of the agenda which I do encourage you to read.

As per the yellow note, the school would appreciate donations for the agendas, but I would like to stress that this is a voluntary donation, since we will not be using the agendas in our class this year.

Thank you for your understanding!

On this blog...

Just by way of introduction...

In the column to your right, you will see the To-Do List (friendly reminders of what's coming up or needs to be returned) followed by several link lists organised by subject area. Please explore the online resources available to us at your leisure, and if you find any others, please send me the address so I can check it out! In particular, I have added many sites that allow you and your child to listen to French words and stories. If you ever have trouble navigating a page or finding the actual thing you're supposed to listen to, please just ask!

If you would like to receive an email notification each time I update the blog, simply enter your email address in the box at the top.
Hope you enjoy!